Scheme A: Three stories with a 12,000 square foot first floor that would house pediatrics and accommodate some on-grade parking with lower-level parking garage anticipated. Above are two 31,500 square foot floors enclosing the balance of the program elements. The underground parking anticipates a maximization of green space and provides continuity to the master plan.
Scheme B: Five story building designed to maximize the visibility of the building. This scheme proposes on-grade parking with a small 8,000 square foot first floor that houses building support and storage and a small walk-in lobby. The grade-level parking is screened by landscaped earth berms that hide the cars from view and create a base for the building. Above are Four 16,750 square foot floors that sit on that structure. The second level is thought of as a car accessed lobby and parking deck, adding height to the building as well as providing needed car parking.